Sunday, June 12, 2011


images hard it is to tuna fish? fish. Wash the fish thoroughly
  • Wash the fish thoroughly

  • yabadaba
    06-30 04:07 PM

    CIR is dead. no point flogging a dead horse. right now we are just trying to gather information and calling this guy names will not help anything. i know he has been ostracized on IV a whole lot for what happened at the guiterrez rally. but let bygones be bygones... cir is point blaming him for it

    wallpaper Wash the fish thoroughly fish. Orange Striped Trigger fish
  • Orange Striped Trigger fish

  • vroapp
    02-22 10:26 AM
    1--> you should qualify for a J1 as 140 is filed by your Husband's employer; better check with an attorney.

    2--> HRR applies and hence you have to get a waiver to file 485 after completion of your Residency.

    3--> Once your status changes to J1; HRR applies.

    5--> depends on the specialty.

    fish. images of fish and other
  • images of fish and other

  • pnara2
    01-03 09:20 PM
    Just think that you read a joke!

    US Govt will try and squeeze every single penny whereever possible, especially, considering the high unemployment rates lingering around lately!

    Infact Indian govt should learn how to milk money from the US corporates who operate in India. Probably they do now but unfortunately the benefits are not reaped by the common masses in india!

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  • cartoon fish

  • Chris Rock
    08-13 02:02 AM
    We are open to all possibilities in getting relief (big or small) for the community.
    You may want to read more about the process of a bill , politics of the immigration issue and how it affects any bill. It is not as simple as one line amendment.
    Please get involved with IV and learn more what we are doing. Try getting appointments with your lawmakers and take part in action items. We currently have an action item going. You will know how the process of amendment and bills work. Opening threads asking IV core is not going to help.Help yourself by actively getting involved.

    BTW Could you update/complete your profile. This data is helpful for IV advocacy efforts and also for IV tracker.

    Thanks Pappu for your reply.

    I am not trying to get your status report. I do not want your battle plan either. I am trying to figure out if there is any ray of hope...

    Yes there is no one-line amendment. But the objective of an amendment can be one line. That is what I mean. I saw many amendments before and am familiar with the political jargon. You are thinking that I am a novice when it comes to Immigration. That is ok and that is not the issue here.

    Recently in one fundraising thread, I counted the number of retrogressed PD members contribution to others. Its in the ratio 1:5. The reason for this thread started at that time.

    If members know that IV has the right strategy and right connections then the support to IV will be overwhelming. That is all I want to convey in the thread.


    fish. Fish Sea Photo at AllPosters.
  • Fish Sea Photo at AllPosters.

  • diptam
    06-26 02:07 PM
    I'm working in a direct Client site of my Employer and i work on H1B.

    Won't i be allowed to enter this office from OCT1st 07 or that's OCT 2008 ??

    First of all even if CIR is passed someone need to interpret the section. What kind of Ban for H1b in consulting? Is it blanket ban? It is going to be very tough in reality to Ban H1b for consulting completely. There might be some options in the law.

    fish. A simple blue fish for a logo,
  • A simple blue fish for a logo,

  • webm
    02-05 10:09 PM

    Is there Attorney Prashanthi Reddy's chat session today? No one is online in the Messenger..:confused:


    fish. red frog fish - photo/picture
  • red frog fish - photo/picture

  • cinqsit
    11-24 06:07 PM
    I have seen people get a copy of their approved I-140 using FOIA Freedom of Information Act Request, where the employer was giving them a hard time and not sharing their I-140 info. So there are ways you can get a copy of the approved I-140 provided of course everything is in order. (previous poster has also posted information of getting duplicate I-140)

    This is kind of similar - you should contact a good lawyer and try and get that I-140 copy
    if you current lawyer is unhelpful just get advice and help from some other immigration lawyer - you are in the home stretch dont give up - try and provide USCIS whatever they want. (though technically they should have information about the approved I-140 - so I dont get why they are requesting a original copy from you!)

    Also you mention
    "In late 2008, with the help of a congressman, my new attorney was able to figure out that USCIS has lost my original I-140 application (filed at Nebraska center) and USCIS has issued the same I-140 receipt no. to somebody else. Then USCIS auto-created a new I-140 and gave me SRC receipt no. with filing date as Jan 2008 and as electronically filed by my previous attorney."

    Do you have any documentation abou this ? a letter from Congressman etc? This is really weird never heard anything like this before.

    You should collect all such documents (contact the congressman again if need be to get a letter or something in writing) then contact
    a good immigration lawyer.

    Good luck!

    2010 images of fish and other fish. hard it is to tuna fish?
  • hard it is to tuna fish?

  • gc_on_demand
    11-06 12:54 PM

    Also no of other sites are also pointing a lame duck session in Nov. Senate and house will meet on Nov 17th for something. Pelosi is arguing for new economy bill..

    Should we start active compaign for HR 5882. I think still we are in same year and we have at end of Committee. Senate has also same version of bill..

    Core : Please update if thinking to start campaign for this one. Lots of economist also suggesting to give gc to legal immigrants so they can buy house.

    Please post yout thoughts.


    fish. fish-farming.jpg
  • fish-farming.jpg

  • txh1b
    08-18 11:19 AM
    Who in the right mind would base their decision of the replies from a forum anyway. People come to the forum to get the thoughts from others but would have to go with whatever a legal counsel says to be sure.

    And remember, not many legal professionals know what they are talking about either.

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  • Rainbow Shark | Fish Tank

  • monkeyman
    10-24 09:43 AM
    Unless your parents have SSN, you can't really claim exemption. The other way you could claim exemption is, if they visitied for business reasons - such as running your motel, shop or business. For that, you'd need the B1 visa. Medical expenses are not really covered for them as far as I know (I used an insurance company for that).

    Do post any further updates if you do get them. I did talk to a CPA since they came here to help me with my house and moving and painting and all that headache that comes once you buy a house. He did not file for exemptions as such. You can however claim exemptions if you had gone to India for visa stamping (flight tickets, charges etc are exempted).


    fish. Fish Tycoon is fish breeding
  • Fish Tycoon is fish breeding

  • Ramba
    01-03 03:57 PM
    USCIS process 485 based only on received date of 485. They dont consider PD, country of chargability, immigration class EB1 or EB2 etc, when processing/reviewing your file..

    After processing, when it comes to take decision (to approve) they will check for visa number availabilty based on PD, country, class etc. If visa number is available on the day of their reviewing your file, they approve it. If not, they pre-approve the application and close the file. Your name will be in the pre-approved data base with PD, country, class etc... They priodically check this data base with visa number availability (DOS visa bulliton) and issue the GC whoever eligible based on visa bulliton. This is what happened when uscis approved about 40-60K 485s in July first week.

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  • bigboy007
    05-30 11:11 AM
    I think then they go for a conference and agree upon a common point if not nothing is passed


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  • FIRST PHOTOS: Weird Fish With

  • fcres
    06-27 10:54 AM
    I filed my 485 last week and didn't file for EAD. My spouse is filing 485 next week and i will be a dependent in that application. If i apply for EAD in his application, can i use it to invoke AC21 if i have to change job after 6 months under my 485?
    I have read here that EAD is not necessary for AC21, but my lawyer said its needed.

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  • malibuguy007
    10-01 07:49 PM
    Please help with the contribution drive


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  • Colorful and Bizarre New Fish

  • jsrajavel
    06-20 06:33 PM
    Thanks for clearing this up.
    Did USCIS representative provide you any reason as to why all the I 140 approvals dont have A# ?

    Sorry! I did not ask that question.

    I've seen few of the approved notice which had A number and couple of them were blank which was approved after mid 2006.

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  • and provide the fish with

  • GCHope2011
    11-05 08:16 AM
    Please read the editorial from today's WSJ by John Boehner. We should adjust our thinking to this reality and try to eat the elephant one bite at a time. Trying to swallow anything all at once is certainly not John Boehner's idea of legislation.

    ================================================== =====
    I grew up in a small house on a hill in Cincinnati, Ohio, with 11 brothers and sisters. My dad ran a bar, Andy's Caf�, that my grandfather Andrew Boehner opened in 1938. We didn't have much but were thankful for what we had. And we didn't think much about Washington.

    That changed when I got involved with a small business, which I eventually built into a successful enterprise. I saw firsthand how government throws obstacles in the way of job-creation and stifles our prosperity. It prompted me to get involved in my government, and eventually took me to Congress.

    Millions of Americans have had a similar experience. They look at Washington and see an arrogance of power. They see a Congress that doesn't listen, that is ruled by leaders who seem out of touch and dismissive, even disdainful, of the anger that Americans feel toward their government and the challenges they face in an economy struggling to create jobs.

    The political landscape has been permanently reshaped over the past two years. Overreaching by elected officials�in the form of pork-laden "stimulus" spending, permanent bailouts, and policies that force responsible taxpayers to subsidize irresponsible behavior�has awakened something deep in our national character. This has led to a surge of activism by citizens demanding smaller, more accountable government and a repudiation of Washington in Tuesday's elections.

    Tired of politicians who refuse to listen, Americans who previously were not involved or minimally involved in the political process are now helping to drive it. While their backgrounds are as diverse as the country itself, their message to Washington is the same: Government leaders are servants of the people; the people are not servants of their government.

    View Full Image

    David Klein

    The members of the 112th Congress must heed this message if there is to be any hope of repairing the shattered bonds of trust between the American people and their elected leaders. And that begins with the speaker of the House, who as leader of the institution must lead by example.

    Accordingly, there are several steps I believe the next speaker should be prepared to take immediately. Among them:

    � No earmarks. Earmarks have become a symbol of a broken Washington, and an entire lobbying industry has been created around them. The speaker of the House shouldn't use the power of the office to raid the federal Treasury for pork-barrel projects. To the contrary, the speaker should be an advocate for ending the current earmark process, and should adhere to a personal no-earmarks policy that stands as an example for all members of Congress to follow.

    I have maintained a no-earmarks policy throughout my time of service in Congress. I believe the House must adopt a moratorium on all earmarks as a signal of our commitment to ending business as usual in the spending process.

    � Let Americans read bills before they are brought to a vote. The speaker of the House should not allow any bill to come to a vote that has not been posted publicly online for at least three days. Members of Congress and the American people must have the opportunity to read it.

    Similarly, the speaker should insist that every bill include a clause citing where in the Constitution Congress is given the power to pass it. Bills that can't pass this test shouldn't get a vote. House Republicans' new governing agenda, "A Pledge to America," calls for the speaker to implement such reforms immediately.

    � No more "comprehensive" bills. The next speaker should put an end to so-called comprehensive bills with thousands of pages of legislative text that make it easy to hide spending projects and job-killing policies. President Obama's massive "stimulus" and health-care bills, written behind closed doors with minimal public scrutiny, were the last straw for many Americans. The American people are not well-served by "comprehensive," and they are rightly suspicious of the adjective.

    � No more bills written behind closed doors in the speaker's office. Bills should be written by legislators in committee in plain public view. Issues should be advanced one at a time, and the speaker should place an emphasis on smaller, more focused legislation that is properly scrutinized, constitutionally sound, and consistent with Americans' demand for a less-costly, less-intrusive government.

    The speaker of the House, like all members of Congress, is a servant of the American people. The individual entrusted with that high honor and responsibility should act accordingly. A speaker's mission should not be to consolidate power in the speaker's office, but rather to ensure that elected officials uphold their oath to defend the Constitution and the American people we serve. If a speaker carries out that mission successfully, the result should be legislation that better reflects the considerable challenges we face as a nation.

    The American people deserve a majority in Congress that listens to the people, focuses on their priorities and honors their demands for smaller, more accountable government. Accountability starts at the top, in the office of the speaker.

    Mr. Boehner, a congressman representing Ohio's Eighth District since 1991, is the House Republican leader.


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  • looivy
    10-06 02:07 AM
    Hi IV Team,

    Excellent job building up this team of notable advisors.


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  • mytv
    09-01 02:30 PM
    please sombody reply .i donno wat to do:o

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  • From fish to turtles to

  • eb3_2004
    10-30 01:25 PM
    How did u know this info? Did USCIS tell u when u called or did your lawyer tell this?

    02-12 08:52 AM
    no, will not move our pd. their very few nurses have pd's in previous years. you may be optimist but not because eb3 pd category will move. you will see for yourself.

    07-14 12:36 PM
    Please look at the text below

    If you filed a Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, on July 30, 2007, or after, and you paid the I-485 application fee required, then no fee is required to file a request for employment authorization on Form I-765. You may file the I-765 concurrently with your I-485, or you may submit the I-765 at a later date. If you file Form I-765 separately, you must also submit a copy of your Form I-797C, Notice of Action, receipt as evidence of the filing of an I-485.

    If you are filing for an extension of your Employment Authorization and your Form I-485, Application for Permanent Residence, was filed before July 30, 2007, then you must pay the $340 filing fee.

    Based on the above text, you are supposed to pay $340. Chances are that your EAD application might be rejected due to no filing fee.

    Coming to your questions, below are the answers
    1. Probably not
    2. If you have the application number like SRC or LIN etc., you may be able to do this. Before doing it, please take the advice of your attorney.
    3. If no application number was generated, this might be a good idea.

    Hope this helps.

    Note : I am not an attorney, please make sure to take legal advice.

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