Monday, June 6, 2011

lil wayne birdman gay

lil wayne birdman gay. Is+lil+wayne+gay+prison+
  • Is+lil+wayne+gay+prison+

  • pubwvj
    Apr 7, 05:56 PM
    Never strive to be normal.

    Still, although I enjoy using my PowerBook and iPodTouch I would love to have an iPad. Nice bit of engineering.

    lil wayne birdman gay. Mozez Flowz amp; Eminem diss lil
  • Mozez Flowz amp; Eminem diss lil

  • bizzle
    Apr 8, 08:33 PM
    But another unit is just what the 'system' requires of Sally, poor girl.

    You could do with a crash course in Economics, not that I agree with what they are trying to achieve.

    I am not saying no one should produce children. I am just saying its not the job of the government to make sure people are only cranking out units when they are "ready". Its called personal responsibility. If you get knocked up, deal with it. It's usually your own fault. Maybe your parents should have taught you to keep your pants on. It's not up the the government to teach you these things.

    lil wayne birdman gay. lil wayne_birdman
  • lil wayne_birdman

  • OdduWon
    Oct 10, 05:30 PM
    Intel's line doesn't leave much room for a bump... unless Apple is going to use the Core and Core 2 processors as a product differential. Talk about gay considering the two kinds of chips costs pretty much the same.
    theres almost no difference in processor speed between the MB and MBP now. it would be smart for mini and Mb's to core 2 also since there the same price. but it's hotter and duo works so maybe just MBP tommorrow.

    lil wayne birdman gay. 4)Birdman ft Lil Wayne amp; Drake
  • 4)Birdman ft Lil Wayne amp; Drake

  • iMeowbot
    Sep 25, 11:40 PM
    Those bots are too dang quick!
    I'm a bot with more bots at my beck and call� the grey goo is only a matter of time, meh meh meh.

    For fun, here ( is a list of the parties who expect to file opposition to the Pod trademark application. They are Secure-It (, Varsity Group (, VNU Media Measurement (Nielsen/Soundscan (, TastyBytes (, Podfitness (, and Line 6 (


    lil wayne birdman gay. Birdman ft. Lil Wayne –
  • Birdman ft. Lil Wayne –

  • GSMiller
    Jun 17, 02:17 PM
    The Xbox 360-2 looks a lot better than the new PS3, although I would rather it have a matte finish so as not to show fingerprints or dust as easily. That being said, the Xbox 360 should have came with wi-fi built in from the get go and not been an add on $80 option. I moved my Elite from the living room to my bedroom just so I could connect it to my AEBS and not have to spend a pretty penny doing it.

    "...Priced at $299 (same as the current "Elite", so expect price drops on the older ones)..."

    Probably not...Remember how Sony didn't lower the sale price of the original PS3 when the refreshed model came out--even though it was higher?

    lil wayne birdman gay. Birdman has defended the
  • Birdman has defended the

  • Jelite
    Apr 5, 12:56 PM
    I don't like the bar of soap design like the old iPhones. Prefer the iPhone 4 with the glass back and thin design.

    I agree but the touch is always thinner and im not sure how tough a thin iP4 would be.


    lil wayne birdman gay. Sean/Lil Wayne quot;Money To
  • Sean/Lil Wayne quot;Money To

  • firestarter
    May 4, 12:55 AM
    How do you know that that Sony prototype didn't come about as a result from work at UDC (funded by DARPA)?

    I don't know. Does the US military usually sell its tech to the Japanese?

    Seems to me that it's a technology lots of people are working on in parallel.

    Consumer forces made flight widespread. Military forces make flight feasible. Hitler's minions didn't invent the jet engine and solid booster to deliver packages and orbit weather sensors.

    Nice example. Frank Whittle ( received the first jet engine patent in 1930. He had been in the Air Force, but they wouldn't sponsor his research - so the development was privately funded and finally demonstrated in 1937.

    Intercontental flight was made widespread after we decided to work on carring warheads across the ocean vs ppl. In 1940's who woulda funded a massive manhatten project to see if we can make it heat up some water...theoretically.

    I think you're confusing fission and fusion.

    The need for computer networks to survive a nuclear war now enable's us to read eachother's posts and take advantage of the consumerism on top of this web page.

    Darpanet, indeed. But the web itself was developed in peacetime by a man researching at a (non military) Swiss research establishment (

    Many technological advancements are so costly and far-fetched that no reasonable "business" would risk investing a lot of money in it. That's when paranoid governments pick up the tab. I don't think you understand that it's real easy to spend $499 on an iPod with tons of "Apps" on it and say...oh yah, this is like real easy to make because Chinese ppl take 50 cents worth of material and put it together. But before all this was possible, some of the smallest components in that iPhone and the most basic of all "Apps" took a "visionary" with a massivly risky budget to make one blink on some $5 million vaccuum box for the first time in history!

    The first commercial transistors were developed for telecoms by AT&T / Texas instruments (

    The integrated circuit was invented in peace time, and it's mass production was spurred as much by the Apollo program ( as for defence.

    Interestingly, defence and space are very conservative in their use of technology and CPUs. The increase in CPU power over time has clearly been motivated by commercial market forces (non military).

    Yes, I don't deny that defence money does finance innovation. But that's not the same as implying that innovation wouldn't take place if it wasn't for War. That's clearly nonsense - there's plenty of civil and commercial market forces that also spur development, and the examples you've cited demonstrate a few. War is not an essential for human or technological development, although it may speed it along a little from time to time.

    lil wayne birdman gay. Rick Ross, Birdman, Nicki
  • Rick Ross, Birdman, Nicki

  • glennp
    Sep 25, 11:00 AM
    According to the sidebar, my 1.6GHz G5 with NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra now makes the cut to run Aperture. Didn't think either of those met the minimum requirements with 1.1.


    lil wayne birdman gay. Is+lil+wayne+gay+prison+
  • Is+lil+wayne+gay+prison+

  • karohan
    Feb 26, 01:32 PM
    Lookin' good Stevie Jobs. At least far better than other reports make him seem to be.

    lil wayne birdman gay. Is+lil+wayne+gay+prison+
  • Is+lil+wayne+gay+prison+

  • bumzo1
    Mar 5, 01:55 PM
    I'm probably going to hit up the northpark store


    lil wayne birdman gay. Is+lil+wayne+gay+prison+
  • Is+lil+wayne+gay+prison+

    Jun 14, 11:37 PM
    Okay I'm finally going to buy one, but just gonna wait to see what's announced at the other press conferences. Already own a PS3 and a Wii. Hope the new 360 is RROD-proof.

    lil wayne birdman gay. IS LIL WAYNE GAY PRISON PHOTOS

  • CaoCao
    Apr 10, 12:17 AM
    First other organizations offer abortions as well. So I'm not sure what your logic is getting at.

    Second PP was not started by the KKK.

    Finally, I don't know if what Abby Johnson is saying is true but if abortions are truly going on at a magnitude that she suggests and PP is illegally funding them, I don't know why she's the only firsthand source.

    I dont know how many of you guys actually have firsthand experience with PP and how many are just doing the keyboard jockey thing but I've been in 3 Planned Parenthood waiting rooms. Those places are always packed with women. It'll be raining and the place won't open for another hour and there will still be a line outside. From looking around, I have never seen any woman there with a late term pregnancy. What I did see were a lot of women - usually from high school to mid-20's, lower income, probably no health insurance. Since my high school days, PP has always been the primary resource for testing and/or contraception. Through their counseling, which is actually pretty effective, it's also one of the best resources to learn how to be sexually responsible.
    Margaret Sanger had "interesting" views of minorities
    That's a little simplistic don't you think?

    One would assume that you'd also be pro gun control, pro universal healthcare and anti military if not "diminish[ing] that asset" was truly so important to you.

    Somehow, I doubt that you're consistent in your stance.
    Pro-gun control (okay on hunting rifles/shotguns, no on automatics and mandatory gun safety training for urban possession). Pro-universal healthcare. The military could be a lot less involved internationally and still maintain Pax Americana.
    I am that consistent.
    Who says people are the greatest asset? Do you know what happens when bacteria overwhelms its environment? Have you ever heard of too much of a good thing? ;)
    I also advocate for a simpler lifestyle
    Well, Cao Cao for one.

    So I'm eager to hear of all the political programs he suports that enhance the probability of health and livelihood for all people, lest one of those precious assets suffer an untimely demise.

    Cao Cao must be a big proponent of speed limits, helmet laws, OSHA, the FDA, the EPA, government regulations, etc.
    Well to Marxists people are the greatest asset and in a way in capitalism too.
    Yes, I support speed limits, helmet laws, OSHA, the FDA, the EPA.
    I call fake photo. Just look at the "photo credit:" slapped on bottom right corner.

    From wikipedia ( (because that's the fastest way for me to search this little piece of history)

    All she did was give a speech on birth control to women in that organization.

    Oh, and how are people (especially the very young) going to know about consequences if they are not properly informed of consequences and dangers? Are you (CaoCao) proposing that they know of these things after the fact. After teens have already gotten pregnant because they didn't understand and were told about birth control and what it does. Are they told only after contracting an STD from an infected partner who didn't know that he/she was infected.

    I know it is probably shopped, I was using that image to represent Margaret Sanger's views on eugenics and treatment of minorities.

    People need to be adequately informed of consequences and dangers, it is vital to discouraging them.

    eawmp1, have you done both? What is easier, a couple hours of pain or eighteen years of hard work?

    I love how in 2009 Planned Parenthood did 332,278 abortion and 977 adoption referrals, that's like 340 to 1


    lil wayne birdman gay. Is+lil+wayne+gay+prison+
  • Is+lil+wayne+gay+prison+

  • iJED DV
    Oct 27, 11:05 AM
    I messed with it for about 5 minutes and it's nowhere near Soundtrack, IMO. Now I'm not an audio or video pro, but I like to do some tinkering. But as someone else stated, Adobe Audition is much more competition to Soundtrack is than SoundBooth.

    Also, this doesn't necessarily need to be a UB. Heck, from what I saw it doesn't really even fill a need with the Intel Macs. Logic and Soundtrack seem to be much better options.

    Absolutely, I have no idea why the mac rumors article said it was a competitor to SoundTrack Pro. I'm at a conference in San Francisco and spoke with an Adobe rep who was demoing Soundbooth. It's meant for an audience who doesn't care about the advanced features of Audition but would like to clean up audio or build simple beats. While it does have a couple of similar features to Soundtrack, it's a much more basic program.

    Also, I questioned the guy about the PPC thing. He said any existing programming that supports PPC will continue to be supported through at least one more release, since they already have the PPC code foundation. Anything new will be Intel-only, because the architechture is the same. They were told that if they waited for Soundbooth to be released on PPC, there would be no Mac version of Soundtrack.

    lil wayne birdman gay. IS LIL WAYNE GAY PRISON PHOTOS

  • robotmonkey
    Jun 13, 09:56 PM
    At&t and T-mobile are the only ones that'll work for me anyways :D


    lil wayne birdman gay. irdman crap money sun.
  • irdman crap money sun.

  • Demon Hunter
    Apr 3, 03:10 AM
    Word is far more productive for most people IMO because Pages just isn't a word processor. I haven't used Pages all that much and I don't own it so I suppose I can't really complain about it too much but when I have dabbled with it, it's come across as a little over-simplified. It might just be because I'm used to Office apps which are admittedly pretty bloated but nevertheless, Pages just gives the impression of being underdone and kind of useless for most people.

    I fail to see how it "just isn't a word processor?" I'm fairly amazed at the amount of negative responses this program has received, especially after Apple set the example with Keynote 1 and the glorious reception of version 2.

    Pages is a godsend for me. I'm not sure what you people are smoking but writing is not about buttons, formatting, and margins. At the heart of writing is simplicity, I believe, and it seems a lot of people become troubled and even distraught at the apparent lack of "function." Sounds a lot like the first impressions PC users get of Macs...

    Writing is a craft like art. You don't hear graphic artists complain about their palettes! I'll never understand why people want toolbars; confusing, myopic icons that march on in an endless, tyrannical parade across your screen. I despise nothing more than looking for what I'm trying to do in Word. Is it hidden behind this arrow? Maybe if I right-click? Alas.

    Perhaps, then, Pages is for a different kind of writer. I write a lot of poetry and fiction, personally, and the less distraction I have on my screen the better. There are times I simply cannot interact with Word on a creative level, unless I close every window and button... so I might as well be using TextEdit.

    I also fail to see how Word on the Mac is any different, or better, than Word on the PC. It looks prettier and has the same ****** GUI. What of it?

    Word's only saving grace is its AutoSave if you ask me.

    lil wayne birdman gay. IS LIL WAYNE GAY PRISON PHOTOS

  • asdf542
    Apr 5, 07:27 PM
    I knew there was a reason to sit the 2011 mbp refresh out.

    Why? Soon enough there will be thunderbolt to USB 3 adapters seeing as how thunderbolt has twice the bandwidth of USB 3.0. 2011 MBP owners won't be missing out on anything should they need USB 3.0 down the road.


    lil wayne birdman gay. Artist: Lil Wayne
  • Artist: Lil Wayne

  • LordJohnWhorfin
    Aug 14, 11:16 AM
    You thought they would have learned with "Lemmings", back in the '80s. You don't gain customers by antagonizing them and telling them they're stupid. The big problem with these "hello, I'm a Mac" commercials is that they're an easy target for parodies. It's a sometimes subtle line to cross, and I'm not sure these "hello, I'm a Mac" commercials are completely on one side, but still, it's all about perception, and if it makes PC users angry, it's probably worth taking note...

    One of the most to-the-point Apple commercials aired back 10 years or so ago, it was called "dinosaurs", and showed a dad struggling with DOS/Windows issues (you'd hear him mutter ", autoexec.bat, config.sys, IRQ...") while promising his kid he'd be able to see dinosaurs. After a while, the kid gets up and tells the dad he's going to his friend's house. When the dad asks why, the kid replies "he's got a Mac".

    What I'd like Apple to articulate in commercials is, when you buy a PC, that's what you get. When you buy a Mac, you get a Mac and a PC for the same price, what is there to think about?

    lil wayne birdman gay. At Lil Wayne and Birdman
  • At Lil Wayne and Birdman

  • MacTheSpoon
    Apr 16, 04:42 PM
    What the hell, how bizarre. This app store stuff is ridiculous. Either allow satire or don't, and say so in your rules.

    lil wayne birdman gay. With the recent release of Lil
  • With the recent release of Lil

  • Stridder44
    Sep 26, 12:17 AM
    Im enjoying this chaos. Personally, unless it's music, podcasts are a bore and a waste of time. They're worse than blogs. Ok, maybe not that bad.

    Apr 27, 02:38 PM
    I dont like the little blue folders and even if it is only just changing the color id appreciate some guidance! ^_^

    thats the folders im referring to. This being my drawing reference folder by my trash can. So ik the method of get info and copy paste doesnt work.

    Mar 13, 10:44 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I live in Arizona and we don't follow daylight savings time, but my phone jumped an hour ahead. I'm on AT&T btw
    Set your phone & computer's time zone to Arizona time, and sync again. Does that help?

    Sep 25, 10:51 AM
    this is the sorryiest bit of non-news ive seen in a while.

    Nov 2, 10:06 AM
    The revolution will be televised...

    "Hello i'm a mac..." "...and i'm a pc"

    Nov 21, 05:28 PM
    sounds like a good idea to me. better battery life is always good ;)

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