Monday, June 6, 2011

love and hope quotes

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  • MacRumors
    Sep 1, 01:10 AM (

    According to reports, Apple has already provided an update to their Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Preview that was distributed to developers at WWDC 2006. The update provides few details on the improvements provided:

    This Software Update delivers improved reliability and compatibility for Mac OS X Leopard Developer Preview and is recommended for all users.

    The 46.4MB release is simply entitled "Leopard Developer Preview Update 1.0" and updates Build 9A241 to Build 9A241e.

    Apple demonstrated ( Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard at WWDC, revealing some of the features that are expected. Mac OS X 10.5 is not expected to be released until Spring of 2007.

    love and hope quotes. Keywords: Love, quote
  • Keywords: Love, quote

  • benji888
    Feb 24, 09:43 PM
    It would be nice if apple added "always require password for purchases" to the parental controls. Or a checkbox that says "keep me logged in for 15 mins" on the purchase window.

    I think consumers, and Apple, should solve this "problem" without the aid of the government.

    Simple common sense. Let's see if the people at Apple:apple: have this.

    I, personally, do not want to have to use my password for every single purchase or update, so I really hope that Apple makes this an option and the government does not get involved and make it so it HAS to be entered for every purchase, that would suck :(

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  • Hope these love quotes love

  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 3, 11:58 AM
    States broke? Maybe they cut taxes too much (

    WASHINGTON — In his new budget proposal, Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich calls for extending a generous 21 percent cut in state income taxes. The measure was originally part of a sweeping 2005 tax overhaul that abolished the state corporate income tax and phased out a business property tax.

    The tax cuts were supposed to stimulate Ohio's economy and create jobs. But that never happened once the economy tanked. Instead, the changes ended up costing Ohio more than $2 billion a year in lost tax revenue; money that would go a long way toward closing the state's $8 billion budget gap for fiscal year 2012.

    "At least half of our current budget problem is a direct result of the tax changes we made in 2005. A lot of people don't want to hear that, but that's the reality. Much of our pain is self-inflicted," said Zach Schiller, research director at Policy Matters Ohio, a liberal government-research group in Cleveland.

    Schiller's lament is by no means unique. Across the country, taxpayers jarred by cuts to government jobs and services are reassessing the risks and costs of a variety of tax reductions, exemptions and credits, and the ideology that drives them. States cut taxes in hopes of spurring economic growth, but in state after state, it hasn't worked...

    In Texas, which faces a $27 billion budget deficit over the next two years, about one-third of the shortage stems from a 2006 property tax reduction that was linked to an underperforming business tax.

    In Louisiana, lawmakers essentially passed the largest tax cut in state history by rolling back an income-tax hike for high earners in 2007 and again in 2008.

    Without those tax reductions, Louisiana wouldn't have had a budget deficit in fiscal year the 2011 deficit would've been 50 percent less and the 2012 deficit of $1.6 billion would be reduced by about one-third, said Edward Ashworth, the director of the Louisiana Budget Project, a watchdog group.

    These and similar budget problems nationwide are symptoms of a larger condition, said Timothy J. Bartik, senior economist at the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research in Kalamazoo, Mich.

    "If state and local taxes were at the same percentage of state personal income as they were 40 years ago, you wouldn't have all these budgetary problems," Bartik said.

    Before California's Proposition 13 triggered a nationwide tax-cut revolt in the late 1970s, state and local taxes accounted for nearly 13 percent of personal income in 1972, Bartik said. By it was 11 percent.

    State corporate income taxes have fallen as well. Once nearly 10 percent of all state tax revenue in the late '70s, they accounted for only 5.4 percent in 2010.

    "It's a dying tax, killed off by thousands of credits, deductions, abatements and incentive packages," according to 2010 congressional testimony by Joseph Henchman, the director of state projects at the Tax Foundation, a conservative tax-research center.

    Even now, as states struggle to provide basic services and ponder job cuts that threaten their economic recovery, at least seven governors in states with budget deficits have called for or enacted large tax reductions, mainly for businesses.

    Five are newly elected Republicans in Florida, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey and Wisconsin. The others are Republican Jan Brewer of Arizona and Democrat Beverly Perdue of North Carolina.

    Their willingness to forgo needed tax revenue is hard to fathom, as states face a collective $125 billion budget shortfall for the coming fiscal year, said Jon Shure, the deputy director of the State Fiscal Project at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a respected liberal research institute in Washington.

    "To be cutting taxes when you're short of revenue is like saying you could run faster if you cut off your foot," Shure said.

    "States have suffered an unprecedented collapse in revenue, and they are at the bottom of a deep hole looking up, and these governors are saying, 'You need a ladder to climb out, but I'm going to give you a shovel instead, so you can dig the hole deeper.' "

    ...After the nation recovered from the 1990-91 recession, 43 states made sizable tax cuts from 1994 to 2001 as the economy surged. Twenty-eight states, in fact, reduced their unemployment insurance payroll taxes after 1995.

    But states that cut taxes the most ended up with the largest budget shortfalls and higher job losses when the economy slowed again in according to research by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.I think this is roughly as surprising as Charlie Sheen's tour bombing.

    Of course, it would fall to one of the smaller media companies to report that not everything is about cutting expenses, that maybe it's a revenue problem as well, if not more so.

    Whether you believe that tax cuts are part of a plan to attack public workers and privatize state functions, or just an unrealistic ideological belief, the fact is if you're not talking about right-sizing your state's taxation level, you're not serious about reducing the deficit.

    love and hope quotes. Hope Floats Quotes: Cheesy
  • Hope Floats Quotes: Cheesy

  • ipoppy
    Nov 6, 07:09 AM (

    Multiple reports have come in that Apple is researching ( RFID ( integration ( into the iPhone, but some may still be wondering what such functionality would bring to the table for consumers.

    Firstly, we should note that RFID is a catch-all term that describes a vast array of technologies and standards. RFID tags can be relatively large and battery-powered, such as ones used in toll collection, to small "passive" tags that can be embedded into credit cards, drivers licenses (called "Enhanced Drivers Licenses" in the U.S.), passports, or stuck onto a piece of merchandise.

    Currently, cell-phone usage of RFID technology is centered around Near Field Communication ( (NFC). NFC has three main usage scenarios: a phone acting as an RFID tag; a phone acting as an RFID reader; and peer to peer communication (P2P).

    In RFID tag mode, a phone could be used as a payment device (like a credit card), an identity card, or act as a car key. In RFID reader mode the phone would be able to interact with tags in its vicinity. This article and video ( demonstrates how an iPhone with RFID could use physical objects to control media playback. And in P2P mode, Bluetooth pairing can be streamlined.

    These are just a few ways that RFID could be used in an iPhone. When or if it becomes a reality isn't clear, but hopefully now you have a better idea of what the potential is for Apple's research in this area.

    Article Link: Why an RFID-enabled iPhone? (

    I must say its a great respond from Macrumors team. Many people, including me:D, where wondering what that technology is about. Now I am getting picture.
    I think RFID is step forward and good approach from Apple. I understand people's distrust for this technology but if its done properly it can be timesaver in daily tasks.


    love and hope quotes. hope love quote
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  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 8, 05:45 PM
    Interestingly, Paul Ryan's proposal decidedly does NOT include any legislation forcing private payers to insure elderly people at reasonable rates. Talk about death panels.......... what most of these morons in the Tea Party don't realize is that the net effect of the Ryan plan is that the vast majority of elderly people will simply NOT have insurance because either they can't afford it or no private payer will take them, which translates into no access to healthcare especially if they have their way with medicaid. Congratulations USA, you are about the reduce your average life expectancy to that of Russia, but hey, it will fix social security because there will be no one left alive to receive retirement benefits.............

    The argument is using Tax Dollars to pay for the abortions as it is forbidden by Federal Law for Planned Parenthood to use the funding in that way...of course they have found ways around it, which is the cause for concern..Me personally, I am on the fence on the entire issue as I am not a woman. That stated, I don't believe abortions should be used as a birth control device either....

    If the laughably few moronic women who indeed believe this to be a form of birth control do not procreate because of it, I am happy for the genepool. No harm done I say. You people do realize that every abortion has a significant risk of causing infertility and other complications, right? And these risk compound with every procedure....... I'd like to actually meet a woman that thinks this is a good way of contraception... just saying...........

    love and hope quotes. Some beautiful Love Quotes.
  • Some beautiful Love Quotes.

  • SnowLeopard2008
    Apr 23, 07:45 AM
    I think most people that show hatred to sandy bridge CPU are owners of late 2010 MBA. Bias imo.

    +1 I agree. They tend to not accept that Apple will release something that is potentially better (at least CPU-wise) and newer than what they have. In case "Icaras" says I'm dictating whatever again, that is my perception, my personal opinion.

    I would definitely take sandy bridge over what is essentially a 5+ year old CPU.

    I don't think the new Intel graphics is horrible as some people suggest. But then again, I am only a light gamer.

    If you set the settings to low, you can pretty much run anything on anything. I remember being able to run Crysis on a GMA950.

    Yea, it's definitely not THAT bad. It's not a dedicated card of course, but it's not like as bad as it was back then in the GMA days. Heck, the 3000 is better than the current card I'm using, the 9400M.


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  • Cappy
    Sep 22, 03:24 PM
    Originally posted by MacCoaster
    Maybe it was Apple and Microsoft (Windows 98) who popularized USB, but you've got to realize this. PCs have had USB a few years before Apple. It wasn't until iMac/Windows 98 (note, same year: 1998) that USB got popular.

    I'm glad there's someone who remembers that. I find it amazing that so many Mac fanatics are so out of tune with the rest of the world that they never even realized that Win98 came out at the same time and is why USB is where it is. You don't see Apple making claims that they were first or created the USB market. People need to get out more so to speak.

    Remember folks Intel developed USB. It was on motherboards for previous years. It was destined to happen. They just needed MS to develop a decent OS to handle it(Win95 2.1 only had partial USB support) and products to take advantage of it. Developers came onboard once they saw MS get onboard with Win98. You wouldn't have seen the iMac USB support you saw if it wasn't for Win98.

    Sorry to go off on a tangent but I get tired of people making false claims with misinformation. Remember folks being a fanatic is ok but know your enemy. ;)

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  • Lixivial
    Oct 26, 08:01 PM
    I can see it now...

    "The .Mac update broke Cage Fighter!!" or more importantly -- "Does Cage Fighter work with this release?!"


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  • nice quotes on love and life

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Jun 20, 02:11 PM
    All that matters is what games you like. Halo, Gears? Get a 360. inFamous, LBP? Get a ps3.

    The 360 has tons more shooters, but the ps3 has it beat in variety, imo. With titles like the aforementioned inFamous, LBP, as well as The Last Guardian, Ratchet and Clank, God of War, etc theres a lot more variety than the 360 can offer. Of course none of that matters if you like what the 360 has more.

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  • Natesac
    Mar 11, 09:44 AM
    Willow Bend is at about 20 people


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    Jun 10, 12:19 PM
    every analyst in the world just bet the farm a few weeks ago that Verizon was definitely getting the iPhone this that reality has set in speculation about T-Mobile begins....

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 15, 12:56 PM
    no you don't, exchange 2003 and later supports push email like blackberries and no need for pop/imap. and it's probably more supported than using zimbra on the iphone.

    Are you doing this on purpose ? You have failed to address all the points I've brought up, including the fact that Push based e-mail is not a Exchange only feature.

    Look, if you want to debate this, at least give us a good-faith performance. None of this bad-faith arguing that just's going to go on and on for pages, where you ignore most points and just re-hash and imply your older debunked points.

    it's relative cost. almost everyone uses exchange. if zimbra wants the market they need to price themselves very low or offer killer features MS doesn't. how do you even back up zimbra since exchange has agents available from every major backup application allowing you to do online backups

    Zimbra was simply an example. And yes, it does support the same Full/Incremental backups that Exchange does. In fact, Exchange doesn't even support anything but full EDB backups out of the box, the per-mailbox backups/restores the many different 3rd party solution offers are based around hacks.

    Microsoft doesn't officially support mailbox-level backups/restores (I'll admit my knowledge stops at around Exchange 2003 thank god), without first restoring the whole storage group to a "recovery" storage group/server and then using Exmerge.exe all things to restore to the production storage group :

    Thank god Veritas/HP/CA created those agents...

    I think I'll move you to ignore now. It's quite apparent to me that you're simply going to try to shove Microsoft stuff down our throats without even knowing about the competition (as is obvious by your constant bashing of Zimbra based on assumptions which have proven false, simply because it was brought up as an example of one of dozens of collaboration suites out there).


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  • Dooger
    Mar 20, 07:30 AM
    Everyone seems so shocked by the minor discount they don't stop to think a little broader...

    ....this probably means Apple is already pricing these exceptionally low and can't discount them any more than that.

    Further I seem to recall the iPhone and iTouch weren't available for volume or educational purchasing for quite some time... I know they weren't available through bussiness accounts for a quite some time.

    The other thing this suggests is that there won't be a $100 price drop in 3-6 months like there was on the iPhone... if they were to be able to drop the pricing that much in the near future they'd offer education a bigger discount now.

    Finally for those that don't see why these would be a boon for universities... most students going into university already have laptop, they don't really want to buy new laptops through their university. Requiring all incoming students but a $500 iPad is a lot more palatable than requiring they all by $2000 laptops. Having the entire student body standardized on one platform is huge for teachers and authors.

    What drugs are you taking? Have you been to university? How is a student supposed to do a dissertation on a glorified iPhone? I'm doing an MSc and I need stats software, a pdf viewer and word running concurrently. As for the $2k laptop? Try $999 for a MB (less with a student discount)

    I don't have a huge problem with apple offering these to schools but the price is far too steep. If they do somehow manage to crowbar their iPads into schools they'll be indoctrinating the younger generation into apple computing whilst still shifting units for a hefty mark-up. Good work apple, but you should twist the knife a little more and make the schools pay for the shipping.

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  • rdowns
    Mar 27, 08:43 AM
    And cut what?

    Medicare fraud
    Defense spending
    Reducing the ridiculous layers of federal, state and local government
    Corporate and farm subsidies
    Welfare fraud

    That's a good start.


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  • Hisdem
    Nov 17, 05:56 PM
    So a 17 year old can do it but a gigantic company with $50 billion lying there can't. Seems logical to me. :rolleyes:

    Wake up Steve. Seriously.

    love and hope quotes.

  • torbjoern
    May 3, 01:34 PM
    @notjustjay: the 13" already does have an SD-card slot. is there any chance that'll be taken away?


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  • twoodcc
    Oct 26, 09:32 PM
    as much as i'd like to use .mac, i just can't justify the price

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  • love quotes quotes.

  • fishmoose
    Oct 6, 01:13 PM
    Because now Android with a range of sizes is eating iPhone sales.

    Go into a Best Buy and look at all the Androids with larger screens, and some with smaller screens and lower prices. Apple needs to compete with that...

    I'd stop to think about what you're saying before you speak. Maybe check the stats from anytime this year.
    The iPhone does not have a majority of the share in the smartphone market.

    As of Q1 RIM had a commanding lead over iPhone;
    Other more recent reports show'd RIM slipping, but still higher than iOS. This one also show Nokia as having an even greater lead than both.
    And the MOST recent data (as of yesterday) has Android beating iOS;

    "Fail"? HA, Hardly. :rolleyes:

    Well, Android is on a lot of handsets sure but is a wide majority of handsets selling or is it a few top of the line phones?

    Also iPhone is still bigger than Android worldwide.

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  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 24, 01:50 AM
    seriously just shut ur pretty faces with the tired backlit keyboard anthem.

    Bit rude don't you think?

    this is like the least desirable feature

    In your opinion.

    esp since it has a direct impact on battery life.

    Not on my Pro or VAIO Z.

    so simple really:

    -more power
    -longer battery life
    -IPS display
    -less weight
    -runs cool

    the new x220 does the mba better in three items above today for a fact. time for apple to step it up again.

    Fair enough.

    Rend It
    Nov 21, 06:24 PM
    ... sooo, a thermocouple ( on a chip? Thermocouples have horrendous efficiency. I don't see how a such a chip in an enclosed environment (like a laptop motherboard) can achieve enough of a thermal gradient to produce enough current to be useful.

    I dunno, i'm skeptical.

    Skeptical you should be, but these aren't really thermocouples. The same physical principle applies, but thermocouples are really only for temperature measurement. These are thermoelectric coolers. See here (

    If you want to power the temperature change yourself, you need a high current. But if you want to generate electricity from them, then just connect them into a circuit with out any powersupply i.e. stick a fan's power terminals on that, stick one side of the TEC on a hot chip or cup of tea etc. to setup the delta T. (temp difference) then the fan will start spinning!

    Dan :-)

    While what you're saying is true in principle, I seriously doubt the practicality of what you're suggesting. TECs are moderately efficient at converting electricity into a temperature differential (or being used as a heat pump), but their efficiency in the other mode of operation (Seebeck effect) is very, very low (typ. < 5%). If you take a chip-sized (~ 1 cm^2) TEC, connect it between a hot processor core at 100 C and ambient temperature at 25 C, you will not have enough power to turn a computer fan at any modest speed. Furthermore, even if you could harvest that electricity and store it, the added energy would be less than 0.1% of a typical laptop battery. :rolleyes:

    If you wanted to use a larger TEC module (say 16 cm^2) on top of the 80 C CPU case, then the added energy would be less than 1%.

    Estimates based on info here (

    Dec 18, 07:49 AM
    It seems that a lot of people are buying Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine in hope it will knock XFactor's Joe MacElderry's song from the UK's Christmas number one.

    Having never liked the XFactor or the songs Simon "Smug" Cowell has produced from the show, I am supporting RATM for christmas number one. I don't even like Killing In The Name that much, I am just one of the many people fed up of the XFactor and Simon Cowell dominating the UK's pop music industry with conveyer belt rubbish.

    What are your guy's views on this?

    Apr 13, 08:59 AM
    Except race has been shown to have an effect on intelligence. Ashkenazi Jews are about 1SD above whites, on average (average IQ 100, SD = 15). Blacks typically fare about 1SD lower than whites.

    You should start with The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life ( The authors explain it far better than I could.

    Where do East and South Asians (not SE) place, +1SD or +2SD?

    Apr 5, 10:26 AM
    Wait....let me guess, their final conclusion is , that they still don't recommend it because of XYZ issues affecting a whopping 1% of the customers. Do I win the prize? :D

    yeah; you win a prize. But the forum rules prohibit me from telling you what it is.

    As others have said, a "recommended" from CR is a special level. The fact that iPhone 4 had a flaw (whether that flaw affected a few people, or lots of people), means it didn't attain that highest level, so instead it received a very good review.

    It's like CNET's "editor's choice"--if a product doesn't get that, it doesn't mean the product is bad.

    "can't recommend" does not equal "recommend against"

    Apr 28, 11:27 PM
    Trains win that argument hands down.

    Not hands-down. Trains win if the goods are (1) very high volume, and (2) are going only from station to station. You can't back a train car up to a Best Buy to unload a bunch of big-screen TV's. You still need trucks. With the growth of suburbs and the push westward, things aren't as tightly clustered as they once were; that causes trains to lose a lot of their luster as far as delivery efficiency.

    Still, I get what you're saying.

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