Tuesday, June 7, 2011

quotes from valentines day

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  • hipsigti
    Jan 28, 06:02 AM
    I read somewhere awhile back that this same technology was in passports and and licenses and was very easy to read the information and hack in to the chip with some sort of device you can purchase or make from your local radio shack like a frequency scan tool like back in the old days with car alarms with code hopping technology! interesting video check out the whole vid the rfid part starts at 6:20sec. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuBo4E77ZXo

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  • DLary
    Mar 24, 10:51 PM
    So let me get this straight. Some on this board seem to be saying:

    "We Mac users are entirely too sophisticated and intelligent to allow our computers to be used by military neanderthals. Those that join the military are not smart enough to appreciate a Mac. All money spent on the military is wasted and part of a bloated budget. The military should be forced to use inferior equipment rather than offend my sensibilities as an educated, peace loving Mac user."

    It is easy to sit in your ivory tower and criticize those who are out risking their lives so you can have your Latte every morning and make fun of those in the military.

    If some Apple products would be appropriate, why on earth would you not want your country's military to have the finest equipment available?

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 16, 02:22 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    Let's hope he didn't use a cross compiler when making the app....

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 5, 10:16 AM
    I have used a Moto Xoom. Honeycomb requires you learn a new user interface. Instead of a nice seamless experience where you can get right in to using apps, you have to learn about the literally 3 or 4 different ways to trigger, dismiss, and access apps. If they're utilities, they're accessed one way. If they're apps, you've got an app menu and a desktop-style metaphor to try-- either works. It's confusing as hell. I mean, you can LEARN anything, but why would you want to.

    Bottom line-- a Xoom is $800, it's far less functional, and it's far more confusing to use.

    imo, if you've used any type of gadget before.. it's pretty easy to learn honeycomb within 5 mins of using it. hell i find it easier to use than a vcr. i think that some apple users, and i'm not saying you specifically, are just so used to ios or osx, that in a way.. before even trying out a new device.. they already pre judge it or are even biased.

    i don't agree with your statement about the desire to learn new things also.. a lot of people love gaining new knowledge. why would you limit yourself like that? just years ago, i knew most things about how to efficiently use windows os, but my curiosity to learn osx made me a mbp owner.. you learn that some things have their purposes and usefulness.


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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 15, 06:35 AM
    Windows 7 was his idea.

    The shirt and T look was his wife's.

    quotes from valentines day. happy valentines day quotes
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  • sethwerkheiser
    May 22, 10:23 AM
    I'm just tired of family members asking me to help fix their Windows machines all the time. Blue screens, fatal errors, etc. etc. I mean, I've been using Windows machines since around 1993. Imagine my inlaws and parents, who arent so adept at using computers (you mean theres other browsers than INTERNET EXPLORER?!!?), and trying to get past blue screens, mouse conflicts, fatal errors, etc.

    So now we're "switching" tommorow... a shiney new iBook will be mine tommorow night. I just hope to show those around me "the light"! hahaha... so then I'll have less "can you fix my computer?!" phone calls. hehe


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  • NakedPaulToast
    May 2, 02:31 PM
    Since when are white ones ever bigger than black ones?

    quotes from valentines day. quotes for valentines day
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  • KatanaAzul
    Mar 24, 05:56 PM
    And honestly, who's to say that the price wont rebound after the clearance sales end? If I were looking to sell I could probably wait a couple of weeks and make $50 or so more than what I paid for it today. Just sayin.


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  • grooveattack
    Feb 23, 03:51 PM
    SLAM DUNK! thanks man!

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  • freezerburrn
    Sep 21, 04:06 AM
    Everytime I used to reset my Mac Pro it used to make a lovely little intro chime. After getting the update it doesn't seem to be making it anymore. Anyone else having this same problem?


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  • cute valentines day quotes.

  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 3, 11:58 AM
    States broke? Maybe they cut taxes too much (http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2011/03/28/111161/states-broke-maybe-they-cut-taxes.html#storylink=omni_popular)

    WASHINGTON — In his new budget proposal, Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich calls for extending a generous 21 percent cut in state income taxes. The measure was originally part of a sweeping 2005 tax overhaul that abolished the state corporate income tax and phased out a business property tax.

    The tax cuts were supposed to stimulate Ohio's economy and create jobs. But that never happened once the economy tanked. Instead, the changes ended up costing Ohio more than $2 billion a year in lost tax revenue; money that would go a long way toward closing the state's $8 billion budget gap for fiscal year 2012.

    "At least half of our current budget problem is a direct result of the tax changes we made in 2005. A lot of people don't want to hear that, but that's the reality. Much of our pain is self-inflicted," said Zach Schiller, research director at Policy Matters Ohio, a liberal government-research group in Cleveland.

    Schiller's lament is by no means unique. Across the country, taxpayers jarred by cuts to government jobs and services are reassessing the risks and costs of a variety of tax reductions, exemptions and credits, and the ideology that drives them. States cut taxes in hopes of spurring economic growth, but in state after state, it hasn't worked...

    In Texas, which faces a $27 billion budget deficit over the next two years, about one-third of the shortage stems from a 2006 property tax reduction that was linked to an underperforming business tax.

    In Louisiana, lawmakers essentially passed the largest tax cut in state history by rolling back an income-tax hike for high earners in 2007 and again in 2008.

    Without those tax reductions, Louisiana wouldn't have had a budget deficit in fiscal year the 2011 deficit would've been 50 percent less and the 2012 deficit of $1.6 billion would be reduced by about one-third, said Edward Ashworth, the director of the Louisiana Budget Project, a watchdog group.

    These and similar budget problems nationwide are symptoms of a larger condition, said Timothy J. Bartik, senior economist at the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research in Kalamazoo, Mich.

    "If state and local taxes were at the same percentage of state personal income as they were 40 years ago, you wouldn't have all these budgetary problems," Bartik said.

    Before California's Proposition 13 triggered a nationwide tax-cut revolt in the late 1970s, state and local taxes accounted for nearly 13 percent of personal income in 1972, Bartik said. By it was 11 percent.

    State corporate income taxes have fallen as well. Once nearly 10 percent of all state tax revenue in the late '70s, they accounted for only 5.4 percent in 2010.

    "It's a dying tax, killed off by thousands of credits, deductions, abatements and incentive packages," according to 2010 congressional testimony by Joseph Henchman, the director of state projects at the Tax Foundation, a conservative tax-research center.

    Even now, as states struggle to provide basic services and ponder job cuts that threaten their economic recovery, at least seven governors in states with budget deficits have called for or enacted large tax reductions, mainly for businesses.

    Five are newly elected Republicans in Florida, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey and Wisconsin. The others are Republican Jan Brewer of Arizona and Democrat Beverly Perdue of North Carolina.

    Their willingness to forgo needed tax revenue is hard to fathom, as states face a collective $125 billion budget shortfall for the coming fiscal year, said Jon Shure, the deputy director of the State Fiscal Project at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a respected liberal research institute in Washington.

    "To be cutting taxes when you're short of revenue is like saying you could run faster if you cut off your foot," Shure said.

    "States have suffered an unprecedented collapse in revenue, and they are at the bottom of a deep hole looking up, and these governors are saying, 'You need a ladder to climb out, but I'm going to give you a shovel instead, so you can dig the hole deeper.' "

    ...After the nation recovered from the 1990-91 recession, 43 states made sizable tax cuts from 1994 to 2001 as the economy surged. Twenty-eight states, in fact, reduced their unemployment insurance payroll taxes after 1995.

    But states that cut taxes the most ended up with the largest budget shortfalls and higher job losses when the economy slowed again in according to research by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.I think this is roughly as surprising as Charlie Sheen's tour bombing.

    Of course, it would fall to one of the smaller media companies to report that not everything is about cutting expenses, that maybe it's a revenue problem as well, if not more so.

    Whether you believe that tax cuts are part of a plan to attack public workers and privatize state functions, or just an unrealistic ideological belief, the fact is if you're not talking about right-sizing your state's taxation level, you're not serious about reducing the deficit.

    quotes from valentines day. Valentine#39;s Day Quotes
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  • KatanaAzul
    Mar 25, 06:25 AM
    Is everyone keeping these, selling them, a spare one for their mother-in-law?

    Early mother's day gift :)


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  • Angrist
    Apr 12, 11:48 PM
    I ordered Pages as soon as it was announced, and it immediately replaced Word as my primary word processing program.

    I'm not sure what many other posters are thinking, because Word is FAR from the best application on my mac, it's closer to the worst. It tends to crash on my when saving, or pasting, or moving text (and it's not my install, three different computers all do the same thing).

    Now for Pages, yes it was a little hard to get used to. I was constantly looking for a quick way of changing font styles and sizes, same thing with margins and headers and footers. But then I realised that I was ALWAYS making the same couple of changes. So I set up a blank document with the margins and tracking / numbering settings that I commonly use. Then made 4 new text styles and saved the document as a template.

    Now I'm using a template that has all of my settings and favorite fonts / sizes / spacing easily accessible through one click on a style button. And since I did that, I havn't gone looking for a setting (other than for some image manip). Basically, what I'm trying to get at is this; if you found Pages UI to be hard to work with, just create some new paragraph styles and a document template for margins / global settings.

    As far as bloat goes..... yes Pages does tend to slow down when there are lots of images hanging around, BUT I can't say that the slowdown is any worse than opening the same document in Word.

    Overall it was a worthwhile purchase, but I'm still looking forward to future upgrades

    quotes from valentines day. valentines day quote
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  • solvs
    Sep 27, 09:19 AM
    Definitely can't wait for Aperture 1.5 though. Runs like a dog on my system. May have to start finally using it.


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  • generik
    Oct 12, 09:05 AM
    NO? cos that would make it a MBP

    Not really, the MBP has tons of other wonderful features that makes it pro. Such as the fact that it runs OSX, has backlit keyboard, and also the 34 express card slot that 1 or 2 people use.

    quotes from valentines day. cute valentines day quotes.
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  • hendrik84
    Apr 13, 09:22 AM
    Thanks for the replies.

    I can't find anything like that in the log.

    I think it's just getting sloppy due to it's age. It's an old 2GHz intel core 2 duo with a 1GB 667 MHz DDR2 and the hard drive was getting close to full. I deleted close to 4 GB of apps, gonna put the pictures somewhere safe and ease the load a little more too.


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  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 26, 03:13 PM
    Just got back :D Just about in install.. goodbye Tiger :D I met Mr Spanky Deluxe :D Very nice guy :P He was second in line I was 4th xD Great day over all but sucked that the pricks pushed in.

    quotes from valentines day. Funny Valentines Day Quotes
  • Funny Valentines Day Quotes

  • JayMysterio
    Jun 22, 12:50 AM
    When you get a HD, demos, demos, demos, demos...

    The Blur demo was a lot of fun, the Split Second demo wasn't bad, and now I am hooked on the Crackdown 2 demo.

    quotes from valentines day. It#39;s Valentine#39;s Day and love
  • It#39;s Valentine#39;s Day and love

  • rdowns
    Mar 16, 09:12 AM
    Maybe if people who buy cars only for the name and because it was (or is perceived) to be built in America would have stopped this insanity 30 years ago, we'd have American car companies more able to compete today.

    There it is folks. The American consumer is at fault for the problems of the US auto industry.

    Apr 27, 07:42 PM
    I asked this because I am new to politics and want to learn more about it. When people answer this question most of the time they have reasons to back it up like things the candidate has done in the past. I am just trying to learn more about politics is all. And it starts a good thread full of information for me to read.

    Apr 14, 01:24 PM
    A good hire, Apple deserves him;)

    i-Phone? i-Pad? your opinion is worthy.

    Mar 24, 03:51 PM
    Most everyone is talking about the hardware, but what about the software that Apple develops? Gesture technology, 3D rendering, AI, all the graphic intensive stuff Apple has always been known for. There's a lot of potential for software application outside of the Apple hardware the military may be interested in too.

    Yep. There always has been the potential. The reason it doesn't happen is because (as I said earlier) Apple is almost completely inflexible when it comes to creating something new, modifying an existing application, or otherwise being accommodating to the government. There are exceptions, but they're few and far in between. Microsoft, on the other hand, is more than willing to get their hands dirty.

    Aug 19, 11:54 AM
    Can anyone confirm this? It's so annoying when new features are turned on by default. I guess I just need to delete my account. I have a fb, but never check it, but I keep it around just because I get an email if somebody sends me a message on there and then I contact them back. Facebook is just awful, worst mistake signing up for it. If you don't have one DON'T GET ONE!!

    Apr 21, 04:48 PM
    Ahh my wet dream of John Carmack and Steve Jobs on the same stage gets a little closer.

    A touchscreen is a HORRIBLE interface for an id game. Far worse than even a standard "stick" controller.

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