Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • thederby
    Mar 22, 05:26 PM
    Just put it in a YoTank case like I did. You can drive your car over it without damaging the iPod.


    More pics here (http://www.substrata.ca/blog/uncategorized/portable-music-rig/).

    that's hot.

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  • SactoGuy18
    Mar 5, 07:55 AM
    Dear god I hope that Golf GTD shows up stateside.

    I believe I will own one, should it happen.

    That's purty. :)

    Here's the bad news: it'll never happen.

    Why? Because the cetane rating for US-sold clean diesel fuel is much lower than the cetane rating for European-sold clean diesel fuel. As such, for a US-model car it may be difficult to achieve the 170 ps engine rating of the Golf GTD. :(

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  • cozmot
    Apr 26, 05:15 AM
    Would feel the same way if it was Google or Microsoft or any other company?

    Um, yes. My credit card companies have a real good idea of where I've been. Google stores my search data. My ISP knows where I go on the Net. But if the FBI is listening in on my phone conversations or reading my emails -- as they are known to have done *even* when a citizen is not a suspect in any scheme -- I have a problem with that. The Patriot Act is the real threat to our privacy.

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  • jxyama
    Apr 6, 11:22 AM
    actually, nevermind. i don't care anymore. you are clearly not reading what i've been posting anyway.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 19, 03:57 PM
    (Jesus, BBC reporting septics have fired 110 Tomahawks already, at $1 million each.

    Raytheon shares will be on the up soon).

    (plus the Brits have fired some)

    Nice edit. CNN was first. :p

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  • windowsblowsass
    Mar 27, 11:41 AM
    Sorry but I disagree - what you say here is just something you made up !!!! Safari is a good browser and Apple only made it cause MS pulled IE. Think about it. Apple may have money but it needs to do something else to kick start growth....The Ipod doesn't have long to go...Itunes will still do well but it doesn't give Apple enough money !

    Don't forget - please sign the petition.....
    reasons your wrong
    1. he didnt make up a word of it
    2. apple made safari before ms pulled ie
    3.the ipod has a long time to go their not going to just say screw it when its selling
    4.ITMS is making them money after the record companies are paid back for the use of the songs every cent is profit
    5. less than 20 people have signed your petition and do you really think its going to get apple to change their entire strategyi can see it now steve jobs sees our online pettion and immediatly calls a meating "i just had an appihany some kid said to make a cheap computer that hooks up to your tv weve been completely wrong all theese yearsapple is now only going to make web tv type systems and nothing else my god what have i been doing"

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  • Chef Medeski
    Jul 14, 10:46 AM
    Faster processors, I'll take those of course. Blu-Ray? Hell no, I don't want that turd. Pretty much every format Sony has ever come up with is dead, just look at the UMD now, its a joke.

    I'll pass on that MPAA sponsored DRM ladden expensive dog turd.
    UMD wasn't supposed to be a new standard in anything. With the MD, they tried to create new audio players and even a new drive for hte computer, and it was a good format( unlike most sony formats) but since sony was the only one using it.... well.... it went the way of the dinosoars..

    but UMD was never like MD in that they tried pushing it on many fronts, just for PSP. And I think its fairly sucessful for only pertainging to PSP owners.

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  • SactoGuy18
    Jan 5, 08:47 PM
    At macworld 2007 Apple will announce that you can download The Beatles music on iTunes and possible there will be a Beatles branded iPod.

    That may not be so far-fetched. Imagine a "true" video iPod with the Beatles brand that allows you to download A Hard Day's Night, Help!, Yellow Submarine and Let It Be onto the player for free. :)

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  • carmenodie
    Apr 3, 12:04 AM
    Marketing geniuses :)
    You got that right.
    People also forget that Apple is, at its core, an engineering company.
    I can't wait to get my ipad 2 64 gig only . I'll get the wifi because I ain't paying no body for tethering and I'm too chicken to jailbreak my iphone 4.

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  • evilgEEk
    Sep 6, 01:03 PM
    I've been waiting for this update for a few weeks now, need to get a new computer for the office. But now I'm really torn between the mini and the low end iMac.

    Frankly I'm thinkin the iMac. :confused:

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  • Naimfan
    Mar 22, 12:48 PM
    Our Founding Fathers believed in God, proof alone is the pledge of allegiance "under god". Yes our country was founded on christian belief. Hate to say it, but it's true!

    As for the invisible man in the sky I have no clue to what you are referring.

    If you're in the service I can only suggest you avail yourself of the educational opportunities that are available. Many of the Founders were not "Christian," and a belief in God is no proof of a "Christian" belief system.

    The United States was not founded as a "Christian" nation. I'd suggest you review the free exercise and establishment clauses of the First Amendment, as well as the history surrounding the settlement of what we often refer to as the original 13 colonies.

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  • MM2270
    Sep 7, 12:14 PM
    I agree with everyone here that if Apple only intros a movie purchase model, it will suck. Most people don't want to own movies. After all, you don't see many music rental services out there in the brick and mortar world, but there are millions of movie rental places. It's a tried and true model that they should emulate to an extent and bring to the online world. Of course, they should innovate on the basic model as Apple is known to do.

    But, I keep thinking, why stop at one model? I know Apple likes to keep things simple, but it seems to me you could have both.

    Here is how I would envision a great movie distro system.
    Users have the option to either rent or buy a movie, with two buttons "rent this movie", "buy this movie" next to it's description.

    The rental model would work like this:
    • Quality would be slightly lower than DVD quality. Maybe same resolution, but compressed a little bit more to reduce file size (after all, if you aren't keeping it, it should download quickly)
    • You can play the movie up to 5 times or within a 14 day period, whichever comes first. After that, it expires, so you can no longer play it. This would be linked to the DRM model within iTunes.
    • No DVD burning with rentals. They would never allow you to make a copy of it since you don't own it. (I mean of course, burning to DVD playable in a standard DVD player. If you wanted to somehow back up the data file itself, you could, but it would be pointless.)

    The purchase model would be like this:
    • DVD quality playback. So, somewhat larger downloads, but they will be worth it, because it would be the same as renting from your local video store.
    • You can play it unlimited number of times. You own it, so why not?
    • DVD burning capability for backup purposes, but would be limited to 3 burns, then it's done. They would have to encode something within the file itself that would know it's been burned to DVD 3 times, not within iTunes, or that could possibly be circumvented.

    Oh, and as for price of each? I think $2.99 - $4.99 for rentals and $9.99 - $14.99 for purchase would be ideal.

    And one other thing. The iTMS would keep track of what you've rented, and if you decide you'd like to own that movie later, you can purchase it by paying the difference in price between the rental and purchase. So, for a movie that was $4.99 rental and $14.99 puchase, you'd pay $10. Now THAT would be sweet!

    In the end, I doubt we'll see something like this, but that's what I would want and use. For those great movies that I would like to own, I would pay the purchase price for the convenience of not having to go out to a store or buy it at Amazon and wait for it to arrive.

    For everything else that I don't want to keep, the rental model would be what I'd use.

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    Aug 29, 04:40 PM
    I would instantly buy for my office a small form factor (not necessarily as small as the mini) mac with, essentially, the same specs that the 20" iMac has, maybe a bit faster even, if it had dual video outputs, room for a lot of ram and a little better video processor. I don't need or want a built in monitor for the same reason I don't buy anything but individual, stand-alone stereo components. I do not need or want a MacPro. Even the base MP is way more than I need. Just my $.02.

    Oops... Just noticed Mrgreen... you have it exactly right, for about $1200?

    And keep the mini priced low. It was my first mac, and I only had the 'guts' to try it because it was so cheep... It is a great gateway drug...

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  • Skb3735
    Apr 2, 08:33 PM
    Keep up that attitude and continue wondering why no one talks with you as you type on your laptop in the middle of the coffee shop across from De Anza college. Sure, you may have helped get DB2 started and you still work in a DOS window but don't blame your wife for leaving you as you worked late at night too long. How much of the money from the IPO went to family attorney and court fees?

    Wow that's a little extreme

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  • AppleNewton
    Mar 1, 05:26 PM
    New set up, still awaiting my 27" Display and 15" i7 MacBook Pro :D
    (not great quality, taken with iPhone 4)

    Old set up, was a little tight:
    (taken with much nicer camera :p)

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  • daneoni
    Mar 24, 01:08 PM
    Bye bye Nvidia. Twas interesting whilst it lasted.

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  • hdsalinas
    Sep 1, 12:25 PM
    I am planning on getting a mac for Christmas as a "you were a good boy this year" present to myself.

    My budget only allowed for a core duo mac mini. I then realized that for my needs I needed some thing with more meat so I had to renegotiate my budget with my wife and she finally agree to get an Imac 17".

    But then when I saw the 17", the screen actually looked smaller than my current 17" LCD, so after weeks of negotiating I managed to convince her on getting a imac 20".

    So I have been waiting patiently for the release of the new C2D chips to get one, until this new rumor of a 23" imac. :eek: I just hope they drop the 17" model, offer the imac 20 @ $1333 and sell the new imac 23" for $1700.

    if not, how am I supposed to convice my wife this time?:D

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  • MarcelV
    Jan 1, 07:28 PM
    ....as a continuation of Jobs last iTV performance. Apple will show how the connected world is going to look. You will have the Mac, the new iTV (probably a launch date will be provided), the new MacPhone, a new .Mac service that will be the key for phone content and syncing, and a new widescreen iPod (not sure about the touchscreen, but will be available immediately). And of course, a full Leopard preview that is the engine behind the full integration. It will become more about the concept this time. Much less about the devices as the Leopard launch will be the key of the platform. The iPod can be launched as it is not directly tied in, but the phone, Leopard and .Mac 5.0 are directly related. The 'top-secret' features? Push technolgy utilizing .Mac to the phone. And because the phone will sync two way with .Mac, your Mac will be kept updated on iCal, Address Book. And even iTunes will know what songs you wanted to purchase utilizing Gracenote's Music ID (the audio fingerprinting technology developed by Philips.)

    Just my thoughts, but this is an area the will be able to become a major player in the market.

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  • syklee26
    Sep 1, 12:38 PM
    hopefully this 23 inch one adds something more than just a bigger screen....such as component RGB input which would allow me to hook my my xbox 360 to play. that would RULE.

    of course, that is unlikely.

    does anyone actually know how to use iMac screen to play xbox 360?

    Apr 20, 01:10 PM
    what's the first letter in imac?

    An all-in-one computer is just another consumer device. Bring on the Mac Pros

    Intel won't have new Mac Pro CPUs available until fall. It's a strange way to run a company actually. Release the consumer stuff first and wait most of the year to give the pros something that beats the consumer stuff. Then a couple months later release new consumer stuff that matches the vastly more expensive pro stuff. Seems backward to everyone except Intel.

    I think that's one of the reasons why Apple has held off with the iMac upgrade. They wanted the MacBook Pro to be ahead for a few months because it's a "pro" model line.

    To the person who claimed iMac was held back because of the chipset defect, they obviously haven't counted the high speed SATA channels correctly. The 27" iMac only uses two (SSD and HD). A slot loading optical drive is pretty much the slowest device you can put in a computer these days and can be run off any crap bus.

    Feb 27, 03:20 PM
    The sucky part about the 22" LCD was that it had a really high defect rate.

    I recall paying the same price for mine as the Mac Pro currently costs. Sheesh!

    Yeesh... don't remind me. The inverter board in mine started doing the blink on blink off starting around late 2003. It was really intermittent at first and happened maybe once a month. Then in the thing really went crazy and was off more than it was on. Back then, the company that sold parts rarely had the board for the 22" model (the inverter board went bad in my 17" Studio Display in 2003 and they had tons of those in stock) and I really needed a monitor so I just ended up buying the 20" Cinema Display (Aluminum). I bought the 22" along with my G4 Cube back in July 2000; the Cube was $1800 and the display around $2200... ouch!!!

    Stupid me. I should've put that money into Apple stock! If I had put the $7k I blew on my Dual 800/22" into Apple shares I could afford a Ferrari right now :(

    The amount of money I've spent on Apple products since I first started buying them in 1992-1993 (previously, had been a CP/M, DOS, OS/2 and unix gearhead) is hitting close to six figures now. :eek: If all that had been invested..... But back in 97, I did purchase several thousand bucks worth of AAPL when it was around $16 per share (pre split price basis) and accumulated a bunch between 1998-2000. Sold a quarter of my holdings after the internet bubble burst and let the rest ride even through the market doldrums that existed between 2001-2003 (didn't even considering dumping them back in 2003 when the stock had lost almost 80% of its value from its 2000 high as that for sure would have been locking in those paper losses). Those are now my core shares sitting in a Roth-IRA for retirement. Bought more between 2007 to mid-2010 (iPhone and iPad spurred those new positions) and seeing nice returns on that.

    Just to bring this back on topic, the following pic was back in 2006 when I had just gotten the Mac Pro and I connected my QS G4 to the 22" ACD. It miraculously worked without having the case of the blinkies (that lasted for nearly two weeks before it went crazy again).

    Aug 24, 08:33 PM
    To quote the Dictionary widget, Labor Day is "a public holiday or day of festivities held in honor of working people, in the U.S. and Canada on the first Monday in September, in many other countries on May 1."


    Hurrah! All that and new Mac Minis too! Labor day is truly the finest of public holidays!

    Thank you

    Oct 23, 09:14 AM
    Starting to feel about as likely as flying saucers...



    I hope it comes out this week, for all those who are waiting.

    Aug 29, 09:11 AM
    Why is everyone so hung up on Merom?

    I never expected the mini to go that way this year. Remember, the entire point of the mini is to be LOW COST.

    The switch to Intel caused the price of the mini to jump $100. I would much rather see its processor lag behind a little bit if they can get that price back to $499.

    Same thing with the Macbook, I'd rather see a $999 Macbook with the current chips than a $1,099 Macbook that keeps up with the Macbook Pro's chips.

    Of course, there's nothing saying Apple will lower the prices but IF they do then I would be very happy to see the "old" Intel chips stay in those machines another 6 months. The first core chips are still VERY fast chips, it's the rest of the system (video card) that's holding things up now. I wonder how much extra benefit you'd even get from a Merom chip in a mini.

    To cut the price of the Mini by $100, Apple better hope Intel are doing a "Half Price" cut which is extremely unlikely. How much would it hurt Apple to just double the height of the Mini and put a 1.83 GHz Conroe (Allendale) in there and a 3.5" Hard Drive? I'm pretty sure no-one would be whining about that. It would also get the price back down to $499 easy!

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